2015 Weekly Toronto Drink Event Pick: Ontario Craft Beer Week

Weekly Toronto Drink Event Pick: Ontario Craft Beer Week

By Stephanie Dickison Calling all beer lovers – you have over a week to explore local-based craft beer across the entire province thanks to this incredible festival. This year’s Ontario Craft Beer Week features over 225 craft fantastic beer events in 45 communities across the province from June 12th- 21st, 2015. And starting today, you can get the first ever official Ontario collaboration beer "Ontario Table Beer." The beer (4% alc./vol.). was brewed by over 25 Ontario Craft Brewers at Great Lakes Brewing and will be available at over 15 breweries and over 35 pubs and restaurants throughout the province. The beer was brewed with yeast from Niagara Escarpment. Unfiltered and naturally cloudy, you’ll note aromas of "apple, vanilla and hints of funk." It's also "Light in body, touch of lemon and tangerine with some barnyard notes," according to organizers. Proceeds from the sale of the beer will go to the Ontario Association of Food Banks.

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