Fuss Cupcakes Ltd

Products and Services

  • Bakeries,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
17298 Stony Plain Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1K6
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

When Zoie Broumas and her two brothers, Kostas and George, were toying with the idea of starting a business back in 2006, they came across a fact that they just couldn’t get their heads around: there were only three specialty cupcake stores in the whole of Canada. One store based in Toronto, another in Vancouver and the third in Calgary. Why didn’t Edmonton have its own cupcake shop? Armed with this information, the Broumas siblings knew exactly what their business was going to be. They were going to open Fuss Cupcakes, Edmonton’s first ever specialty cupcake store.

“We toyed with the idea of opening a bakery, but around that time we noticed that cupcakes were gaining a lot of traction in the US, so we started doing our research,” says Zoie. “At that point, there was nothing similar in Edmonton, so we thought it’d be a great opportunity to do something new in the city.”

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