At Williams HQG we specialize in Large Capacity Surface Grinding with a magnetic chuck 10 ft x 30" x 30" , to the smallest of sizes as well. Rotary Surface Grinders 30" magnetic chuck & 20" with Vertical & Horizontal spindles. Cylindrical ID, and OD. with a swing of 13" x 42" As well we offer a wide array of Tool and Cutter Grinding / Tool Resharpening / Super Finishing and Lapping. Our equipment is top rated, capable of holding 0.0001" - 0.0002" consistently ensuring your project is done right and ready on time.
When size tolerances and surface finishes are a must, count on us.
Williams HQG: a Higher Quality in Grindingmore...See more text
Products and Services
Precision Machining,
ID & OD Grinding swings of 13" tolerances to 0.0001",
Sharpening and Surface Grinding Magnetic chucks up to 10FT x 30",
Precision Surface / Cylindrical Grinding up to 10ft x30"x30" Cylindrical 13" swing 42" length,