Welcome to Seeds of Creation! Congratulations and thank-you for sharing with us our dreams and love of creation! This will not be a typical ‘seed exchange’. There are those of us BEING stewards, Fathering, Mothering, creating, nourishing, protecting and aiding in the survival of the abundant information neatly tucked inside ALL SEEDS OF CREATION!
Please receive these seeds of love with an open heart and mind, to receive all they have to offer…abundance and joy. Being hopeless seed collectors and organic stewards over the land and food, ALL THAT WE ARE, IS THE Master Gardner and Divine Inspiration for ALL that is done here and thus… ‘WE’ as referred to in the following pages.
The seeds of Creation have already been given to you, and each and every one of us, no man/woman has a single domain over, for it has been freely given to all. The value that lies in our work for the Seeds of Creation lies in our unconditional love and honor for all creation, and is planted in every seed you receive! We are primarily focusing on heirloom varieties and conserving our genetic diversity and heritage of vegetables, herbs and flowers alike, for heirlooms are rapidly being replaced and forgotten by hybrids and genetically altered varieties. We grow only open-pollinated varieties that will come true-to-type (producing plants like their parents), thus self-perpetuating making it so the gardener can collect their own seed for future sowings! This is not always true with hybrids.more...See more text