we will be providing some additional fitness classes for those who usually participate in Aquafit and/or the Masters swims. We apologize for the inconvenience and request your patience and support as we strive to make PEFAC a better facility for all members.PEFAC UpdatesClass Updates & Cancellations:Join the Party! Zumba is back at PEFAC onYou are invited to join our meeting(s) to discuss PEFACs fall Group Fitness Schedule on Wednesday September 17th, 2014 at noon, and again at 6:15 pm. The meetings will take place upstairs at PEFAC.Events & FundraisersPEFACs Second Annual Halloween Bash will take place Saturday November 1st, 2014 at the Elks Hall in Picton (8 pm to midnight). Entertainment by the Reasons! Prizes, games, refreshments! Tickets are $12 per person or $20 per couple. Support your fitness facility and have a great night out. If you have some time to volunteer to help with this event (decorating venue, leading games, etc), please sign up at PEFAC. Thanks and see you there!PRINCE EDWARD FITNESS & AQUATIC CENTRE 2013|Website Developed & Hosted by Joewemore...See more text