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Business listings in Moffat supplies comprehensive business information listings for in and about the Moffat, Ontario region. With the most comprehensive listings of categories you can find in Canada, Yellow is your first choice for search. If you live around Moffat, discover the best independently reviewed products and services in your area, with Yellow Pages Canada.
If there’s one beverage Torontonians love, it’s craft beer. Thanks to a craft brew boom, Toronto is now a true beer lovers’ market. With local and microbreweries opening up all over the Six in the past year, we’ve rounded up our top picks for restaurants that brew on site, tap rooms, brewpubs and bottle shops. [Image credit:]
Summer in the 6 is time to indulge in some delicious outdoor fun. Dine by the water, discover delicious food creations, get romantic with pasta under the stars, explore some of the TO’s top vegan fare, and more. From newfound vendors like Eva’s Original Chimneys to old favourites like Beavertails, you’ll find the best desserts, drinks and dishes this summer at these Toronto food festivals. [Image credit:]
If the first thing on your list of Canada Day 2016 celebrations is a hot seat at the fireworks, know that the city is hosting some next-level light shows from the Lakeshore to North York. Whether you’re in search of a comfy spot on the beach or a patio-side view of festivities, here are the top spots to catch the fireworks on July 1, 2016. [Image credit:]