This is an honest garage. They are kind and fair. They do great work. I have taken mine and my husband’s car here. My car recently had trouble and they were kind enough to refer me to my dealership as it should be covered under warranty. Read more
Auto Repair, Brakes, Car Wheel Alignment, Car Suspension Repair, Car Battery Replacement, Car Tire Balancing, Diagnosing, Car Tire Rotation, Car Radiator Repair, Car Tune-up, Undercoating, Car Oil Change, Car Cooling System Repair, Exhaust Work, Car Alternator Repair, Car Shock Repair, Clutch Repair, Antique Car Repair, Car Motor Scan Analysis
Clarke's Service Centre is a licensed mechanic shop, serving the area for more than 40 years. Come see us for trusted service and fair prices.more...See more text
Shell is the world's #1 Mobility Retailer. Shell has operated in Canada for over 100 years and provides energy to Canadians. Shell Canada supplies quality motor fuels including She...more...See more text
Shell is the world's #1 Mobility Retailer. Shell has operated in Canada for over 100 years and provides energy to Canadians. Shell Canada supplies quality motor fuels including She...more...See more text
The Koskinas family has proven being a good neighbour pays off. By turning a run-down gas station into a first class auto shop equipped with a pioneer gas bar they've made a Scarbo...more...See more text
We have the best gas prices and gas stations with the best fuel prices. We offer a full service filling station with a repair garage on-site. Offering the best Service Stations Gas...more...See more text