Appliances, Bathroom, Building Supplies, Electrical, Flooring, Furniture, Hardware, Heating & Cooling, Home Décor, Kitchen, Ceiling Fans, Lighting, Outdoors, Paint, Plumbing, Storage & Organization, Tools, Windows & Doors, Électroménagers, Salle de bain
Your local Lowe's store has officially become a RONA+ store. Everything you love about Lowes and more.
Rona+ offers everyday low prices on all quality hardware products and constr...more...See more text
Construction Materials, Building Supplies, Hardware Stores, Home Improvements, Renovations, Garage Packages
North American Lumber Limited is a privately owned Canadian lumber and building products company servicing Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Northwestern Ontario. We provide a complete l...more...See more text
1350 Swanson Rd, Christina Lake, BCV0H 1E0Get directions
lumber, Construction Material, Building Supplies
For durable and well-made building materials, trust Borderline Lumber Service. Located in Christina Lake, we're right next to the border! We supply timber and lumber and do special...more...See more text