4 steps for starting your journey to good heart health

September 28, 2015

When it comes to identifying your individual risks of cardiovascular disease, don't try to fix everything at once. If you suddenly decide that you want to lose five kg (10 lb.) in two weeks, immediately embark on a major exercise program and revolutionize your eating habits — you probably won't get far before you become discouraged and give up. This is especially true if you also need to tackle other tough issues such as quitting smoking, dealing with a difficult boss or deciding what to do about an unhappy relationship. To boost your confidence and maintain your motivation, start by making changes that are minor but sustainable.

4 steps for starting your journey to good heart health

1. Small changes with major impact

Here are some ideas for small changes that will make a big difference.

  • Make an appointment with your doctor or dentist.
  • Buy olive oil instead of your usual cooking oil.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
  • Swap one unhealthy snack for a piece of fruit.
  • Eat fish instead of meat for dinner one night.
  • Leave work on time one day this week.
  • Take the salt shaker off the table.
  • Give your partner (or a friend) a hug for no particular reason.
  • Go for a half-hour stroll instead of watching television.
  • Invite your neighbour over for coffee (or, even better, tea).

2. Set smart goals

  • If you are determined to make your plan work and maintain it, you will need to define and prioritize your goals.
  • Choose one element of your life associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, read the relevant information and decide on the most important changes that you need to make.
  • Set your targets, write them down and give yourself a timeframe for achieving them.

3. Starting out on your plan

  • If you need to lose 10 kg (20 lbs.) to achieve your ideal weight, be clear that this will take several months.
  • Set an interim goal, such as losing 2.5 kg (five lbs.) by the end of next month.
  • If you acknowledge that your diet has many shortcomings, don't imagine that you can fix everything in a few days.
  • Pick small, specific targets, such as foregoing a microwavable meal or take-out once a week and making one or two home-cooked meals from scratch using healthy ingredients.
  • Or, take healthy snacks to work instead of buying a chocolate bar or chips from a vending machine or convenience store.

4. Enjoy the journey

  • Make the process of changing to a healthier lifestyle as much fun as you can.
  • For instance, for every kg (two lbs.) you lose, reward yourself in some way. Take a weekend off, buy something special, get in touch with old friends — and plan for a future that features a healthier, happier you.
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