It seems amazing that something so tiny can cause so much suffering. But while a small minority of people are genetically destined to develop a kidney stone, you may greatly reduce your odds of getting one with some simple lifestyle changes.
November 4, 2015
It seems amazing that something so tiny can cause so much suffering. But while a small minority of people are genetically destined to develop a kidney stone, you may greatly reduce your odds of getting one with some simple lifestyle changes.
Doctors don't entirely understand all the physiological changes that lead to kidney stones.
Although this may not be much consolation, you're not alone. One in 10 Canadians will develop kidney stones at some point in their lives.
Kidney stones can hurt — a lot. In fact, the condition is commonly cited as one of the most painful in all of medicine. Even stones smaller than a pencil eraser can cause misery and a trip to the emergency room. Keep this guide in mind and reduce your risk with healthy lifestyle changes and be sure to visit your doctor if you're experiencing any pain.
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