How to travel the world for (almost) free

October 13, 2015

House sitting is a great way to stay in a new location without paying for a hotel, motel or hostel. You'll be able to see the world for just the cost of transportation.

How to travel the world for (almost) free

Who needs house sitters?

People around the world need house sitters for various reasons. They might be going on vacation and need someone to take care of their pet or farm animals. Or they might have to travel for months at a time due to their jobs and want someone to look after their houses while they are away.

House-sitting benefits

A house-sitting job is not a paid position. Although you don't get paid, you'll enjoy a free stay in a home in any location you desire. When you accept a job as a house sitter, you'll typically be able to use all the amenities of the home, such as free Internet, cable television, hot tub, swimming pool and laundry facilities. Basically, you will enjoy everything that the home and property has to offer and will get to use it for free during the term of your stay.


House sitting carries with it many responsibilities. Often, you'll be asked to feed and care for the owner's animals. Sometimes the animal may be a bird, a cat or dog, but if you're staying at a farm, you may be asked to tend to horses, chickens, cows or goats. Never accept a position if you can't handle the responsibilities that come with that particular house-sitting job. If you've never cared for a horse don't claim you have experience working with them.

How to find a house-sitting position

Conduct an online search using "house sitting" as the keywords to find a position. Perform an advanced search to find a position in a location you would like to visit. Read the posting carefully to make sure you can fulfil the requirements. The length of time you'll be asked to house sit will vary from a few days to a few months. Make sure you can stay the entire length of time that is required. Transportation will be the only cost you'll need to cover.

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