Know the different tests that detect prostate cancer so you can catch this potential killer early on.
November 14, 2014
Know the different tests that detect prostate cancer so you can catch this potential killer early on.
Survival rates for prostate cancer are nearly 100 per cent when it's detected early, but if caught in the late stage, that plummets to around 30 per cent. This number highlights the importance of early detection.
This is one of the most common tests for prostate cancer and one of the most controversial.
To test or not to test?
Because of those concerns, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommended doing away with the test altogether as a screening tool. Prostate Cancer Canada came out strongly against that stance, insisting that the positives far outweigh the negatives.
Baseline PSA number
What's important to know is that the test is far more valid if a patient has a baseline PSA number. Then, changes can be studied for potential problems.
While this test might cause the most apprehension, it's an important diagnostic tool. It's most effective when used to supplement a PSA test, sometimes detecting cancer in a patient with normal PSA levels.
This test is done to follow up on positives from a DRE or PSA test.
The important thing to remember is that when detected early, prostate cancer is very treatable.
Men of that age should see the DRE become part of the diagnostic regimen. Usually, testing is not recommended once men are over 70. Of course, family history and other risk factors need to be considered as well.
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