I repair almost everything in your home and garden and daily use I have described about the items but here I want to let you know that I am 3 year diploma holder from India and Here in Canada also passed [REDSEAL CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN] [FIELD SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE ELECTRICAL] [H.R.A.I--HEATING REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING] EXAMS IF YOU WANT SOME WORK TO BE DONE BY ME PLEASE DONT HESITATE TO CALL ME AT 778 808 3131 ANY TIME BETWEEN 9 am TO * pm DAY TIME AND IF DUE TO SOME REASON NOT ABLE TO PICKUP LEAVE ME A VOICE MASSAGE OR TEXT ME AS SOMETIMES MAY BE DRIVING OR BUSY WITH SOME URGENT WORK. gIVE ME DETAILS OF ITEM WHICH YOU WANT FIX AND i WALL TELL YOU THAT i CAN FIX THAT OR NOT IN THE NEAR FUTURE i AM STARTING TIG -ALUMINUM - AND STAINLESS STEEL WELDING TOO.My workshop address is 17902 58 ave and entrence is from ally side garage .This house I have given on rent so please do not knock at the front door .Call me when you want to come or when you are in front of that house and I will tell you where I am THANKSmore...See more text