Montreal Sealer is a company which specializes in the installation of asphalt and the application of protective seal coating of asphalt, paving stone, concrete, marble, granite and asphalt.
If you’re looking for shoddy, overpriced work, search no further. These are the guys for you! We had our driveway ripped up and repaved and they left it looking like a bad stretch of the Metropolitan expressway. And if for some reason you do choose to employ these people, make sure you’re 100% satisfied before you pay them, because you’ll find they’re incredibly elusive once they have your money. We’ve called and emailed them any number of times and we’ve never managed to get past reception.
Outstanding service. They worked around my schedule and delivered exactly what I asked for. The team was amazing and have great workmanship. Definitely recommend
Ils m'ont dit d'attendre 2deux semaines avant de stationner mon véhicule parce que le resurfaçage qu'ils avaient fait n'était pas très épais. Deux semaines plus tard, je me stationne avec ma minivan. Le lendemain, quand je sors mon véhicule de la cours, je constate que le poids de mon véhicule à laissé des roulières. Très insatisfaits de voir cela. Je n'ai pas eu de retour d'appel de la compagnie après leur en avoir fait part.