Massage Therapy, Registered Massage Therapist, Lymphatic Drainage massage, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Esogetic Colourpuncture, Swedish Massage, Headache release, Back and neck pain, Integrative Manual Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Concussion, Exercise Rehabilitation, Nutrition Counselling, Whiplash Injuries, Massage, Fascia, Migraines, Sports Injuries, Muscle Energy
Linda Pearce is a Registered Massage Therapist, Nutritionist, and Exercise Therapist; servicing the London and surrounding area! With over 30 years of experience and education in t...more...See more text
Our goal is educate and offer our clients natural health options in a relaxed and professional environment. Our current services include:Colon HydrotherapyAccess Bars®Reiki We invi...more...See more text
Holistic Health Care, Reflexology, Core Talk, Emotion Code, Pet Therapies, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki, Dog Walking And Pet Sitting
The healing energy used during a session can facilitate healing your pain whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual so you can go on to have a happy, healthy, peaceful...more...See more text
Your bridge to health, wellness and vitality with over 25 years of experience providing natural healing solutions to achieve your personal health and wellness goals.more...See more text